Your October Horoscope 💫

We've entered Libra season and it's looking up from here 🤝
Aries, Cancer, Capricorn, Libra placements
October is the month wherein you'll be experiencing your second biggest transformation for the year. You're completely changing your life around and going into the direction of the life you desire. If you feel that life has been so slow for you this 2023, things are about to get so exciting as you enter the energy for your higher powered self. Embrace the Libra eclipse for bringing you this energy of change that you've been yearning for months!
Leo, Taurus, Scorpio, Aquarius placements
Just like the signs above, you're also going through your second biggest transformation of 2023. The first half of the year was all about sacrifices and may have felt like a force that's making you let go of your old-self piece by piece. After the final eclipse in October, you'll be ready to fully let go of your old life that will enable you to start creating the life that you've wanted. It's basically the beginning of your destiny!
Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces placements
While all of the other signs are going through major sacrifices, you get to relax and enjoy life. This will come in such relief since the past two months may have not been going your way or may feel very stagnant. You're the luckiest sign right now so manifestations are more likely to come quicker for you. It's totally your glow up time!
Cider 💋