It's Officially Virgo Szn!

The months of July and August were definitely fun-filled and exciting, to say the least! As we leave behind a chaotic but lovable Leo summer and enter Virgo season, we're preparing to wind down our energy and reconnect to familiar routines and habits.
What To Know About Virgo Season
Virgo Season runs from August 22 to September 21, and those born during this time are known for being natural and kind souls (a.k.a. the sympathetic friend that always gives you a shoulder to cry on). As earth signs, Virgos are effortlessly grounded, portraying a tough exterior but are secretly complete softies on the inside (Shhh... don't expose them!).
Virgo Icons
Did you know that some of your favorite celebrities also share the Virgo zodiac sign?

Your Virgo Season Horoscope
On Life: You'll find more challenges than usual this season, and it'll be tough to find the line between your emotions and what others are feeling. Setting boundaries will be the greatest thing you can do for yourself during this time.
On Love: The New Moon in Virgo is setting you up for the next stage of your romantic situation. Whether single or coupled up, you'll be on the verge of deciding on a new focus in your relationship where both partners have their feet on the ground.
On Outfit: Focus on eyelet patterns and delicate fabrics, including soft knits, lace details, and ruffled designs. Some of our picks for Virgo Season include:

The Virgos of the #CiderGang

Happy Virgo Season babies! We love you all! 🥺
Cider 💋